Breaking News
Friday 2 July 2010

Info Post

Senapati Naagraya rebels against the Raja of Vaijayanti, overthrows his army and kills him, but is unable to stop Rani Veermati, who escapes along with her infant son, Sudhirchandra. For 19 years she remains in hiding, branding her arm with a burning iron every year. When her son is 20, she asks him to promise to take back Vaijayanti or else she will brand her arm for the 20th time. He promises to punish the tyrant and take charge of this region in 10 days, and accordingly travels there in the company of his friend, Bhairav. Once there, they prepare to meet with the Minister, who is secretly rebelling against Naagraya. What Sudhirchandra does not know is that Naagraya has decided to wed the Minister's nubile daughter, and that she will be involved in snaring him in a deceptive plot to have him arrested, tortured and killed.

Shankarrao Bhosle.....Raja
Kamaladevi.................Rani Veermati
Master Vinayak...........Rajkumar Sudhirchandra
Buvasaheb..................Bhairav (Prince Friend)
Nimbalkar....................Minister Mantri
Leela Chandragiri........Mantri's daughter
Baburao Pendharkar...Commander Raja Naagraya

Producer.......... Prabhat Films
Director.......... V. Shantaram
Music Director.... Govindrao Tambhe


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